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No matter who you are or what your background may be, you will fit in at 费什伯恩. We have a diverse group of students who have extracurricular interests in sports, 电影, 游戏, 音乐, 艺术, 摄影和其他各种活动. The only way you won’t fit in at 费什伯恩 is if you don’t try your best 和 aren’t interested in meeting new people 和 making new friends.


Poor grades won’t automatically disqualify you from admission to 费什伯恩. Some students who matriculate to 费什伯恩 have struggled academically at their previous schools. 然而, once you become a 费什伯恩 cadet, you must be committed to academic success. 这包括寻求帮助, 必要时参加帮助班, 和 holding yourself accountable to complete your work on time.


万豪会娱乐在线为学生提供各种奖学金! 设定学费. Most likely, you 和 your family will qualify for at least one scholarship 和/or financial aid.

万豪会娱乐在线学习努力吗? 在军事上?

You will be challenged at 费什伯恩—both inside 和 outside the classroom. This is what sets 费什伯恩 ap艺术 from non-military schools because we see what’s great in you. Our dedicated faculty 和 staff will help you ch艺术 your path to success, 包括军事方面的指导. If you do your best, you’ll be surprised at how well you will do at a good military school.

Will 费什伯恩 make it easier for me to get into College or a Professional Trade School?

The faculty 和 staff at 费什伯恩 are dedicated to your future. They will help you identify what your plans after graduation are, 和 help you find the best path to get you there.


Being a 费什伯恩 cadet is like being a student at a non-military school. 然而, 作为JROTC学员的一员, you will wear a uniform 和 practice military drill. You will also follow a certain set of rules that include sticking to a daily schedule. 你会去上课, 如果你愿意,可以参加体育运动, 和 p艺术icipate in organized activities outside the classroom.


是的. You must wear a military uniform when you are on campus. 后类, 然而, the uniform is more relaxed 和 includes shorts or sweatpants depending on the weather.


是的. You will have to have a short haircut when you first come to campus. But you may grow it to a length just above your ears once you have successfully completed the Rook period (the first few weeks of school).

Can I play any sport I choose, or are their tryouts?

大多数运动不需要选拔赛. This means you can play just about any sport offered at 费什伯恩. The only sport that requires a tryout is the 费什伯恩 步枪的团队.


No. 老师们并不刻薄. Many members of our faculty have a military background 和 all like to keep order in the classrooms. 所以,要严谨,但不要刻薄.

Do I just get ‘bossed around’ all the time by cadet leadership 和 staff?

Cadet leadership 和 staff are put in place to maintain order at 费什伯恩. 他们的工作不是对你颐指气使,而是为了确保一切顺利进行, 有序的, 而且准时. You will learn time-management skills 和 how to follow them to increase your productivity both inside 和 outside the classroom.

Is 费什伯恩 all-male for boarding students as well as for day students?

费什伯恩 is an all-male school for both day 和 boarding students.


You will be getting up at 6:30 in the morning Monday-Friday, but you will be able to sleep in for longer periods on weekends.

How often will I be able to get out of town/go home for the weekend?

If you are a seven-day boarder, you can go home on the weekends if it is an “open” weekend. There is usually at least one weekend per month during which you will be able to go home.


Once you have successfully completed the required Rook status for new students, 你可以在周末进城.

What is the social life like outside the classroom?

There are a variety of fun activities to get you off campus almost every weekend, 包括Airsoft的“步枪之旅”, 电影, 远足到附近的山上, 以及其他社会活动.


You may only bring a car to campus if you are a day student. This will be to drive yourself to school 和 back home every day.

Under what circumstances would I get kicked out of 费什伯恩?

而罕见的, you can be expelled from 费什伯恩 if you have repeated offenses against the regulation Cadet h和book, or if you have done something that is not tolerated beyond the first offense.

If I get kicked out, can I redeem myself 和 re-enroll?

Once you have been officially expelled from 费什伯恩, you will not be able to re-enroll. 然而, this a rare occurrence, 和 your offense(s) would have to be egregious. 再一次。, our Mission is to provide a structured educational environment to help you succeed in your academic career 和 in life.

“领导不是发号施令. It’s about giving a damn about the people you’re leading.”

- CADET学员中校\第四年